Thursday, May 26, 2011

ELA Reflection

Reflection for ELA GPS rubric
 I give myself proficient/college ready because I feel we did really well on the paper. We really thought of what to put and not just to put anything, but it really had to make sense on what we were talking about. At the end I liked what we put because it really went with the topic.
 We maintained good ideas and didn’t get off our topic. We explained everything well and at the end we won the case. All words were well written and everyone explained what we did so it was really good. We were really persuasive because we made sense on what we were talking about. Our strategies were good and that we had the last word.
 We won because we had a good punishment and everyone voted for us. Everyone thought the punishment was fair so that’s why they voted for our punishment. When we were in the classroom debating for the punishment of narcissus, we defended our punishment.
 We didn’t have grammar errors because everything was typed so the computer corrected everything. It was easier for me because I think I would have had a lot of grammar errors. I needed the computer and background Ms. Lg gave us to prove my punishment and try to make everything I was saying true.
 I think I am ready for college after this project because it really showed me how to be organized and to make clear ideas. So this is made projects easier because I can make things organized and clear. College will not be easy but its not impossible but I think if I do my work well I will do great in college.

ELA Rubric

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My three goals for next year

My three goals for next year are...
One of the three goals for next year is that I really want to be more responsible with my stuff. Like for example turn in homework or projects on time and not late because sometimes I forget that I have homework and I don’t do it so that lowers my grade even more. I want to pay attention more so I can do my work with no problems and to get a good grade in all my classes. Sometimes I have good grades in my classes but when I turn my work late it lowers a lot and it takes a lot of time to raise my grade again. I will try my best to do my work correctly, to pay attention and use my time in class wisely. So that is one of my goals for next year.
Another goal for next year is to get all A’s & B’s (Honor roll). Because I do have some 80’s but the most that I see is 70’s so I really want to improve on getting 90’s. I know it’s not easy, well for me, to get 90’s but I will try my best because I want to see a change in my report card or progress report. I want to get out of the habit that when I see a 70 I assume I’m doing good on that class & I don’t do much effort to put my grade up. So I want to do more than my best so I can have an 80 or above but I really don’t want to see 70’s anymore. It will be great if I get in honor roll but if I really want to get there I know that I’m going to work really really hard! But I will try my best on all my homework & projects.
Last goal I want to achieve for next year is that I want to get more into school activities like clubs, participating in after school activities etc. Because I want to participate more so it could look good on my college application. But I want to be more active & do different things because I get bored in school if I don’t do anything. So it would really help me to do good if I participate more.


Catherin coreas.
Diana Marin.
Narcissus was a conceited man that only thought of himself and never cared of what other people felt for him. Narcissus was a cruel man, for example echos (a nymph) fell in love with narcissus and he didn’t appreciate her because he didn’t care about other people and echos had to suffer because of him.
I am going to punish narcissus by making him suffer for love and never being happy or having a family. Because in the past I has punished other gods by taking away what they most love. Sometimes I’m not fair but i don’t care because I’m mean and cruel.
We should work together to punish narcissus because of what he did with echos. I think that the punishment is fair because he broke a lot of god’s hearts because he was never interested in them. So now he has to suffer as well. I’m not a good god but I don’t agree for what he has done to everyone and I wouldn’t like for him to do it to me. So the punishment is fair.